SKU: Item Nr:066

EK1 Juncker so called 2 parts disc solution with Wächtler & Lange front side ,screw back unmarked extra factory vaulted type /very hard to find/

EK1 Wächtler & Lange screw back unmarked types in mint condition ( very hard to find )

This is another piece that is perhaps the most difficult to obtain collection of pieces. The so-called Juncker / but W&L front types
In this case, don’t be fooled by the fact that this is an unmarked piece, since the screw solutions are rarer, since they were not made in such large numbers, moreover, they were probably made in the early stages of the war, since the back panel solution was Juncker’s 2-part SB solution, so in this case too, each other they created their own product from its parts.
This piece is also such an example, it is not an everyday piece and such “hybrids” are not often found.
During the time I spent collecting, I only saw a few pieces of this SB type. This piece is one of a very rare hybrid version.