SKU: Item Nr:263

EK2 Iron Cross / Eisernes Kreuz E. Ferd Wiedmann with own frame + own core non painting and rotate the front frame 90 degrees

EK2 Iron Cross / Eisernes Kreuz E. Ferd Wiedmann with own frame + own core non painting and rotate the front frame 90 degrees

This piece is a good example of how they weren’t always careful during assembly, as the front frame on this piece is turned 90 degrees in the 12 o’clock direction.

Unfortunately, Ferdinad Wiedmann’s pieces were also characterized by the fact that he did not use primer on his crosses for a long time, so his pieces were quickly attacked by “rust”
This piece is an interesting example of how many makers learned from their mistakes and unprimed early production pieces were treated with primer and only later painted to a final black color, thus protecting them from the vicissitudes of time.
This piece is a paintless piece, so it emerged from a legacy of about I bought it from a German collector 30 years ago because of its interesting nature.